Did Wiz Just Burn Their Mole by Reporting Microsoft’s AI Leak?

Numerous inquiries have been directed to me regarding a recent Microsoft incident related to AI data loss, with several individuals seeking my expert commentary. At this juncture, it is prudent to exercise caution in offering definitive statements, as the situation remains in its early stages. Nevertheless, certain peculiarities have come to light concerning the actions … Continue reading Did Wiz Just Burn Their Mole by Reporting Microsoft’s AI Leak?

MIT Study: RoboTaxis Ruin Cities

From the outset, it was evident to anyone with basic knowledge of urban dynamics that Uber would have negative effects on cities. It’s not a matter of complex calculations; it’s a fundamental principle of urban transportation. Increasing the number of cars on the road leads to more problems. The same common sense reasoning suggests that … Continue reading MIT Study: RoboTaxis Ruin Cities

Ukranian Drones Struck Russian Warships, Again Proving Elon Musk a Liar

Allegedly Elon Musk continuously lies about who told him to protect Russian warships and why he did it. Gaslighting, as usual, the unstable Musk has said both he personally stepped in to help Putin save the Russian ships, and also that he refused to step in and did nothing in order to help Putin save … Continue reading Ukranian Drones Struck Russian Warships, Again Proving Elon Musk a Liar