Tesla Cybertruck “Totaled” After It Touches Water

At this rate we’ll be on Mars by 2020. Lies, lies and more lies. Without fraud there would be no Tesla. The truck the CEO loudly proclaimed so waterproof it will float like a boat also has been classified a wreck after its soft underbelly touched water. …totaled Cybertruck up for auction actually looks intact … Continue reading Tesla Cybertruck “Totaled” After It Touches Water

Tesla Cybertruck Crash: Brakes May Not Work on Some Terrain

Remember the sales pitch? Lies. And remember how some people talked about the Tesla CEO while they were waiting for their Cybertruck? In reality Tesla software engineering seems to be even worse than their hardware, prone to sudden catastrophic failures. Here’s a case where Tesla says the brakes may not work in some (unspecified) terrain, … Continue reading Tesla Cybertruck Crash: Brakes May Not Work on Some Terrain

Tesla Cybertruck Bed Advertised as 6′ in Reality is Only 4’11”

The clown car company called Tesla continues to prove that an obnoxiously-hyped attention-seeking style of technology management results only in… fraud, such as this “Edsel Aztek” bed size discrepancy. It’s all because of the way Tesla designed the rear bulkhead of the truck’s cabin. It cuts into the bed length the higher you go up. … Continue reading Tesla Cybertruck Bed Advertised as 6′ in Reality is Only 4’11”