Firefox Translation Errors: “Snake people in Berlin”

A photograph of defeated Nazis standing in line, begging for handouts, gets a curious translation from the new Firefox client-side engine. Here’s the original, an image with a caption in German on the “official capital portal”: Here’s the FireFox browser translation to English: “SNAKE PEOPLE” That can’t be right. The guy in the middle … Continue reading Firefox Translation Errors: “Snake people in Berlin”

ChatGPT Still Fails at Even Basic Ciphers (Broken Caesar)

I’m noticing again that ChatGPT is so utterly broken that it can’t even correctly count and track the number of letters in a word, and it can’t tell the difference between random letters and a word found in a dictionary. Here’s a story about the kind of atrociously low “quality” chat it provides, in all … Continue reading ChatGPT Still Fails at Even Basic Ciphers (Broken Caesar)

Anthropic Claude Rated for Incorrect Answers and False Claims

Do AI chatbots have the ability to comprehend lengthy texts and provide accurate answers to questions about the content? Not quite. Anthropic recently disclosed internal research data explaining the reasons behind their shortcomings (though they present it as a significant improvement from their previous failures). Before I get to the news, let me first share … Continue reading Anthropic Claude Rated for Incorrect Answers and False Claims