Altman’s OpenAI and WorldCoin Might Just Be Lying to Everyone on Purpose

Lately when people ask me about OpenAI’s ChatGPT just lying so brazenly, intentionally misstating facts and fabricating events, I explain that’s likely the purpose of the tool. It aims only to please, not ever to be “right” in any real sense let alone have any integrity. Over time the AI company has been getting worse, … Continue reading Altman’s OpenAI and WorldCoin Might Just Be Lying to Everyone on Purpose

Trivial Hacks Disable Driverless Taxi Infrastructure

Calling it their “Week of Cone”, residents of SF reduced the threat to the city from renegade “driverless” vehicles by gently placing a traffic cone to completely shut them down. It had all the hallmarks of the extremely successful SFMTrA movement of 2016. As you may recall, Tesla’s “driverless” software back in 2016 murdered two … Continue reading Trivial Hacks Disable Driverless Taxi Infrastructure

Robots Been Killing People for Years: USAF Brings It Up And People Get Scared

In 2019 I was invited to speak to a San Francisco Bay Area chapter of the Information Systems Audit and Control Association (ISACA) about robot dangers. Here’s a slide I presented documenting a long yet sparse history of human deaths. Note, this is known civilian deaths. The rate of death from sloppy extrajudicial Palantir has … Continue reading Robots Been Killing People for Years: USAF Brings It Up And People Get Scared

The AI Trust Problem Isn’t Fakes. The AI Trust Problem Is Fakes.

See what I did there? It worries me that too many people are forgetting almost nobody really has been able to tell what is true since… forever. I gave a great example of this in 2020: Abraham Lincoln. A print of abolitionist U.S. President Abraham Lincoln was in fact a composite, a fake. Thomas Hicks … Continue reading The AI Trust Problem Isn’t Fakes. The AI Trust Problem Is Fakes.