Red Means Dead: U.S. Political Affiliation Correlated to Disease

The U.S. Center for Disease Control (CDC) has published data showing a large political party is killing its members like a primitive cult drinking Jel Sert’s Flavor Aid. Can you guess which one? Here is a clue from ABC. “…the 10 states with the highest vaccination rates all voted for Biden in 2020, while nine … Continue reading Red Means Dead: U.S. Political Affiliation Correlated to Disease

Major Security Breach of The Boring Company Tunnel in Las Vegas

This is really a simple four act story. Act 1: The Boring Company “touted the security and safety of its $53 million system” Act 2: Contractual agreements were made. According to a management agreement between TBC and the LVCC, the system is supposed to have “physical barriers [to] guard against entry of accidental, rogue, or … Continue reading Major Security Breach of The Boring Company Tunnel in Las Vegas

Why a Cyber Pearl Harbor Will Never Happen

The easy answer is really a semantic one: nothing that can be done in cyber (information technology) is directly comparable to widespread kinetic destruction of military forces. Once something approaches that level of destructive force, it’s no longer really the domain of cyber. In other words we don’t really call it a voice attack if … Continue reading Why a Cyber Pearl Harbor Will Never Happen