Trump Mocks U.S. Military, Calls on Russia to Invade EU

It’s interesting how Trump continues making headlines in his unrepetant treasonous trajectory straight to hell. Here he goes attacking an active duty U.S. military member for service: Haley then said that anyone who mocks the service of a combat veteran should not be president, and again challenged Trump to take a mental competency test to … Continue reading Trump Mocks U.S. Military, Calls on Russia to Invade EU

Palantir AI Predicted to “unpredictably escalate the risk of conflict”

I expect financial headlines pivoting from the latest AI research could be “buy buy buy” as cynical hawks on Wall Street tend to calculate nuclear war escalation as just “good for business”. However, to any rational thinking person who doesn’t want to murder their neighbors for profit, the real news is that Palantir is yet … Continue reading Palantir AI Predicted to “unpredictably escalate the risk of conflict”

MN Tesla Suspected in Pedestrian Death: Police Seize Evidence of Autopilot

Chilling details are emerging from a case in Minnesota, where a Tesla apparently killed a woman walking her dogs. Apart from spelling out the evidence the BCA has in hand so far, the affidavit also disclosed that two women told investigators they saw Donovan’s body on the hood of a smaller SUV heading north on … Continue reading MN Tesla Suspected in Pedestrian Death: Police Seize Evidence of Autopilot

NHTSA Promotes New “AV STEP” Program to Monitor Road Robots

The exit interview for the head of the NHTSA highlights their new road robot regulation program idea launched last June. We’re also considering a new program called AV STEP. That would combine the opportunity for manufacturers to deploy automated vehicles with a process that would allow NHTSA significant access to information about redundancy and safety … Continue reading NHTSA Promotes New “AV STEP” Program to Monitor Road Robots