A Simple Reason Why Tesla Keeps Crashing into Police Cars

Tesla Deaths: 207 Tesla Autopilot Deaths: 10 Ford Pinto Deaths: 27 Today at “Tesla AI Day” their engineering team on the main stage said the following, and I quote: …we haven’t done too much continuous learning. We train the system once, fine tune it a few times and that sort of goes into the car. … Continue reading A Simple Reason Why Tesla Keeps Crashing into Police Cars

Tesla Puts Safety Last, Undermines Quality to Rush Production

You may remember a long time ago how the CEO of Tesla was accused by the company founder of some pretty serious knowledge and ethics gaps (calling him an “exaggerator and a liar“): …claimed on a number of occasions to have degrees in both business and physics and to have briefly attended Stanford University, the … Continue reading Tesla Puts Safety Last, Undermines Quality to Rush Production

Racism at Tesla Might Explain Why Their “Autopilot” Crashes So Often

If you already know an infamous company is run by a white man from South Africa who grew up wealthy during apartheid (hint: his claims of $100K in debt at an early age are admitting his privilege and leverage, also known as credit)… then you might not be surprised to hear that racism is a … Continue reading Racism at Tesla Might Explain Why Their “Autopilot” Crashes So Often