Why Open-Source AI is Faster, Safer and More Intelligent than Google or OpenAI

A “moat” historically meant a physical method to reduce threats to a group intended to fit inside it. Take for example the large Buhen fortress on the banks of the Nile. Built by Pharaoh Senwosret III around 1860 BCE, it boasted a high-tech ten meter high wall next to a three meter deep moat to … Continue reading Why Open-Source AI is Faster, Safer and More Intelligent than Google or OpenAI

Privacy Violations Shutdown OpenAI ChatGPT and Beg Investigation

File this under ClosedAI. ChatGPT for a long time on March 20th posted a giant orange warning on top of their interface that they’re unable to load chat history. After a while it switched to this more subtle one, still disappointing. Every session is being treated as throwaway, which seems very inherently contradictory to their … Continue reading Privacy Violations Shutdown OpenAI ChatGPT and Beg Investigation

The Microsoft Ethics Team Was Fired After They Criticized OpenAI

Nothing to see here. Move along. The move leaves Microsoft without a dedicated team to ensure its AI principles are closely tied to product design at a time when the company is leading the charge to make AI tools available to the mainstream, current and former employees said. …the team has been working to identify … Continue reading The Microsoft Ethics Team Was Fired After They Criticized OpenAI

Dawn Project Calls Out Big Tech for AI Snake Oil

Dan O’Dowd built his reputation on software safety, and then created an advocacy group The Dawn Project. He has repeatedly and correctly flagged Tesla AI claims as a total fraud, a clear and present danger to society. Now he’s expanding the criticism (PDF) to some other known dishonest big tech brands, such as OpenAI. Each … Continue reading Dawn Project Calls Out Big Tech for AI Snake Oil