Unmasking Rhetorical Manipulation: The Far-Right and Elon Musk’s Feigned Ignorance

The divergence between the right and the far-right is stark, perhaps exemplified most vividly in France by Marine Le Pen and the extremist party Rassemblement National. …from 2015 to 2017, [Jordan Bardella, the 28-year-old president of the far-right Rassemblement National party] used the pseudonym “RepNat du Gaito” on Twitter, now X, to share racist messages … Continue reading Unmasking Rhetorical Manipulation: The Far-Right and Elon Musk’s Feigned Ignorance

German Court Rules Elon Musk’s Communications With AfD as Extremist (Nazi-related)

Elon Musk repeatedly has tried to weigh into German political affairs with his clear support for the AfD party, widely recognized today as Nazis. Recently, for example, Musk used his social media platform to downplay the harm of Nazi propaganda. He passively suggested that well-known Nazi slogans shouted at a German political rally should not … Continue reading German Court Rules Elon Musk’s Communications With AfD as Extremist (Nazi-related)

Courts Block Elon Musk’s Punitive Censorship of His Critics

As if it wasn’t obvious enough to everyone in the world, the courts have ruled. Elon Musk uses his ill-gotten gains to punish speech and censor critics. “Sometimes it is unclear what is driving a litigation,” wrote District Judge Charles Breyer, of the US District Court for the Northern District of California, in the order’s … Continue reading Courts Block Elon Musk’s Punitive Censorship of His Critics