Distracted Tesla Driver Hits Pedestrian. Autopilot Being Investigated

One of the giant false promises of Tesla is that it would improve safety by reducing distracted driver risk. Investigators are now instead asking whether Tesla autopilot marketing is leading drivers to be more distracted than ever. According to Sgt. Christopher Knox of the North Carolina State Highway Patrol, this was a case of distracted … Continue reading Distracted Tesla Driver Hits Pedestrian. Autopilot Being Investigated

Judge: Tesla Knew Driverless Was Dangerously Defective Yet Spread It Anyway

Well duh. Finally a judge says what everyone knows. A judge has found “reasonable evidence” that Elon Musk and other executives at Tesla knew that the company’s self-driving technology was defective but still allowed the cars to be driven in an unsafe manner anyway, according to a recent ruling issued in Florida. Palm Beach county … Continue reading Judge: Tesla Knew Driverless Was Dangerously Defective Yet Spread It Anyway