1 Death = Total Recall: Volvo Quietly Blows Tesla Out of the Water

Update December 2023: Tesla Crash More Than Any Other Brand The Drive has reported this as “…a lot that goes into making Volvo one of the world’s safest auto brands.” Volvo undeniably puts safety first, above all else. They famously said a long time ago that zero deaths is their vision. Volvo –- whose XC90 … Continue reading 1 Death = Total Recall: Volvo Quietly Blows Tesla Out of the Water

Tesla Investor Spreads Dangerous FSD “Head-On Collision Avoidance” Disinformation

As someone who records nearly weekly head-on collisions by Tesla into other cars, I was of course asked to evaluate claims being made on the Nazi-addled Swastika platform that Tesla FSD can prevent the very thing it repeatedly fails to prevent. Let me start by saying my first review of this new video evidence that … Continue reading Tesla Investor Spreads Dangerous FSD “Head-On Collision Avoidance” Disinformation

Tesla Recall Failed: FSD Maybe Even Worse, Ignores Stop Signs and Pedestrians

Tesla fraudulently boasts that if it can remotely update its cars it shouldn’t be called a recall. This is illogical, because the term recall refers to the severity of the flaw, not the delivery mode. Moreover, a severe lack of ethics and quality control means Tesla has been making their products far worse instead of … Continue reading Tesla Recall Failed: FSD Maybe Even Worse, Ignores Stop Signs and Pedestrians