Saudi Arabia Bought Twitter to Hunt and Jail Critics. Now It’s Attacking the ADL

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is the biggest shareholder of Twitter behind Elon Musk. And I mean they are literally behind Elon Musk. The gist of it is a true story that they threatened back in 2011 to ban all Jewish birds trying to enter their country. But seriously, they told Twitter executives that unless … Continue reading Saudi Arabia Bought Twitter to Hunt and Jail Critics. Now It’s Attacking the ADL

Tesla 2023 Market Forecast Sounds Like Russian Military Propaganda

Unmoored. Unrealistic. Unlikely. Underperform. Ask me why Tesla is tanking. If there’s one thing we no longer can dispute about Russian predictions for its “space age technology” T72 tank variant (e.g. optimistically branded T90) is that they aren’t anything like what was promised. They’re death traps using a “go big” mindest that thinks a dumb … Continue reading Tesla 2023 Market Forecast Sounds Like Russian Military Propaganda

Elon Musk knows tanks! Twitter is tanking. Tesla is tanking.

Elon Musk allegedly has citizenship in three countries and has served in none of them. And he’s known for being a self proclaimed dumb blowhard, never knowing anything about what he’s talking about and not caring about consequences for being dead wrong. His lack of experience, coupled with his lack of knowledge, coupled with his … Continue reading Elon Musk knows tanks! Twitter is tanking. Tesla is tanking.