Power Doesn’t Corrupt: “For some people, power seems to bring out their best”

Lord Acton was wrong about a lot of things, especially his views on power. Lets start with the unavoidable fact that Acton hated the idea of abolitionists spreading power to individuals, as he worried greatly about white male slaveholders abruptly losing their concentration of power (treatment of Blacks as property instead of humans). In other … Continue reading Power Doesn’t Corrupt: “For some people, power seems to bring out their best”

Will “Defend Forward” Survive a Shift in NSA Leadership?

To be candid, I’ve always found the NSA’s “defend forward” pitch intriguing from a historical perspective. The Navy subsequently developed a “transoceanic” strategic concept, orienting the Service away from contesting the oceans and toward projecting power across them to distant land masses. The American military strategy to bomb distant land masses with napalm for nine … Continue reading Will “Defend Forward” Survive a Shift in NSA Leadership?

TX Tesla Kills One: Senator McConnell’s Sister-in-Law Reversed Underwater and Drowned

Something in this story tells me Angela Chao shouldn’t have been in a Tesla if she really had wanted to stay alive. …Ms. Chao died at a Texas ranch after backing her Tesla into a pond. “Angela Chao’s death at a private Texas ranch in Blanco, County is suspicious,” Mr. Bass wrote. Her car reversed … Continue reading TX Tesla Kills One: Senator McConnell’s Sister-in-Law Reversed Underwater and Drowned