Iraq Security Continues to Decline

The BBC does not mince words with this report. Clearly the Bush administration policies are turning out to be little more than hot air, leaving Iraq a more dangerous place and feeding anti-American sentiments. Since Bush and his team have systematically removed anyone who disagreed with their view of progress (Powell, Garner, etc.) they ultimately … Continue reading Iraq Security Continues to Decline

Problems of Hydrogen Distribution

Here is an interesting study of the German auto industry R&D with regard to hydrogen fuel-cell vehicles. The study is called “R&D focus of German Hydrogen Innovation System” and seems to be based on a theory that testing and subsequent implementation can not happen until a suitable “innovation system” comes about. They study the hydrogen … Continue reading Problems of Hydrogen Distribution

Election Official Accountability in Los Angeles

Some scary comments from a Los Angeles City Beat interview with the infamous McCormack: On credentials: CityBeat: How do you respond to the charge by Kim Alexander of the California Voter Foundation that you put 40,000 votes at risk by asking Diebold to alter the software on the eve of the recall election? Conny McCormack: … Continue reading Election Official Accountability in Los Angeles

Aircraft Fleet Recycling Association Tackles Carbon Fiber

The demand for carbon fiber is really taking off (pun not intended), which is a serious problem for industries heavily dependent (pun not intended) on ultra-light yet strong materials. For example, just as sports-cars, boats, motorcycles, and even the military are using carbon fiber in a wide range of applications, new large passenger jets are … Continue reading Aircraft Fleet Recycling Association Tackles Carbon Fiber