Your navigation system is the co-pilot, not the pilot

Just in case you might be confused, when you install a GPS or your car comes with navigation computer you are not relieved of your duties behind the wheel. Consider what happened to the people highlighted in a recent story by Reuters: In October a 53-year-old German, obeying his satnav’s command “Turn right now!” jerked … Continue reading Your navigation system is the co-pilot, not the pilot

Exxon fines significantly reduced for Valdez Spill

A US federal court has ruled that Exxon need not pay the penalty for spilling over 11 million gallons of oil along more than 1,200 miles of Alaskan coastline in 1989. The BBC reports: In the original court ruling, Exxon was ordered to pay out $5bn. Later decisions ordered the lower Alaskan court to set … Continue reading Exxon fines significantly reduced for Valdez Spill

Eli Lilly issues Zyprexa damage control statement

After a rather scathing report in the New York Times, it looks like the pharmaceutical giant Eli Lilly is in hot water yet again. Lilly’s own published data, which it told its sales representatives to play down in conversations with doctors, has shown that 30 percent of patients taking Zyprexa gain 22 pounds or more … Continue reading Eli Lilly issues Zyprexa damage control statement