The City and Its Own

by Irving Feldman Among the absolute graffiti which —stenciled, stark, ambiguous-command from empty walls and vacant lots, POST NO BILLS, NO TRESPASSING HERE: age and youth-Diogenes, say, and Alexander, dog-philosophy and half-divine, too-human imperium-” colliding, linger to exchange ideas about proprietorship of the turf. Hey, mister, you don’t own the sidewalk! Oh yeah? Yeah! the … Continue reading The City and Its Own

Kansas recovery hampered

Interesting to find the Governor of Kansas indirectly criticizing the President and Iraq war: Kansas Governor Kathleen Sebelius also visited the town, which lies about 120 miles (200km) west of Wichita in southern Kansas. She said the state’s response would be negatively affected because emergency equipment such as trucks, tents and trailers had been sent … Continue reading Kansas recovery hampered