Why Russian Hackers Fail: Ukraine Defense Lessons

There’s an old bogus saw in IT that goes something like attackers only need to be successful once yet defenders always have to succeed. As you can probably tell I really dislike such thinking. The reverse is actually well known and practiced often. Defenders benefit from efficiency that comes through “defense in depth”. It’s a … Continue reading Why Russian Hackers Fail: Ukraine Defense Lessons

Wealth Makes People Less Generous

Does anyone still believe the odd mythology of Ronald Reagan’s racist “trickle” economics? The latest science of behavior has been the more you earn the less you give. …wealth and happiness are not positively correlated, according to the Harvard Business Review. One reason, for instance, is that wealth appears to make people less generous. In … Continue reading Wealth Makes People Less Generous

Simple Guide to Regulating Social Media: How to Breakup Facebook

Separating communication and contents is like saying the water utility shouldn’t be in the business of turning your taps into coke machines. That’s the whole thing in a nutshell. Status (like money, ideology and ego) is power, which is a question of authorization and consent. Very different from generic content. Nobody should want 1950s “Mad … Continue reading Simple Guide to Regulating Social Media: How to Breakup Facebook