Marriott Hosts “I love Hitler” Rally in Washington DC

Marriott has a long and sordid history of promoting hate groups by giving them a platform. 2023 is turning out to be not that different. Fuentes capped off his [Nazi petition to eradicate satanism, feminism, liberalism, and Judaism] by saying it was “a long way of saying I love Hitler” while the crowd chanted “Christ … Continue reading Marriott Hosts “I love Hitler” Rally in Washington DC

FBI Announces Arrest of Nazis Attempting to Destroy Baltimore

There are limits to the first and second Amendments in America, apparently. A plot right out of the 1916 America First playbook (e.g. Preparedness Day bombing of SF) has been foiled by FBI arrests. Here are some of the many important details to this new story, as documented by Heavy. According to the criminal complaint, … Continue reading FBI Announces Arrest of Nazis Attempting to Destroy Baltimore

Florida Retirement Crash: Falling Below 20 Other U.S. States

It’s true, Florida is crashing on the retirement ranking scale. And it’s not hard to see why. The Governor of Florida pledged in his recent election campaign to wage a Christian nationalist (Coughlin fascist) crusade to destroy or hold back non-white prosperity, treating the state as if the American Civil War never ended (let alone … Continue reading Florida Retirement Crash: Falling Below 20 Other U.S. States