Escaped Slave Exposes Missouri Police: State-Sanctioned Torture and Murder of Black Women

In a fast-trending headline from Minnesota, Alex Mingus points out hard truth about America: ‘They don’t keep us safe. We keep us safe.’ Good Samaritan criticizes police as he accepts award from St. Paul cops. Mingus then gets right to the business end of the problem. After Interim Police Chief Jeremy Ellison gave Mingus the … Continue reading Escaped Slave Exposes Missouri Police: State-Sanctioned Torture and Murder of Black Women

Unsafe by Design: More and More Teslas Catch on Fire

There have been hundreds of fires claimed due to Tesla cars, as many as 300 estimated. That’s incredible in itself. For context the Ford Pinto allegedly had a tiny fraction of that number yet caused international outrage. More to the point, there are now at least 32 recorded fatalities due to Tesla fires (Update only … Continue reading Unsafe by Design: More and More Teslas Catch on Fire

Rivian penalized for price hike as market awards Tesla “prize” for price hike

File this one under why markets clearly are not even close to rational. Here’s one headline from March: Tesla raises prices across entire range The March 15th price hikes are purely speculative to “protect” the company from consumers demanding value from cars sometime in the future. The price increases are designed to cover higher costs … Continue reading Rivian penalized for price hike as market awards Tesla “prize” for price hike