Fighting Nazis With Nature: “when it was raining, I knew I was safe”

As the extreme far-right AfD party repeatedly gets called out in German court for crimes including trying to diminish horrors of Nazism, the Guardian has posted a new first-person account with incredible detail of the pain and suffering from fascism. Maxwell Smart still feels at his safest when it rains. The 93-year-old first learned this … Continue reading Fighting Nazis With Nature: “when it was raining, I knew I was safe”

FL Tesla “Erratic” Autopilot Crashed by Police PIT Maneuver

The part of this story where a Tesla erratically changes speed and veers, even trying to steer out of a PIT and keep going, seems like it might offer some Autopilot clues. The callers told the dispatch that the Tesla was swerving in and out of its lane, changing its speed drastically, and nearly hit … Continue reading FL Tesla “Erratic” Autopilot Crashed by Police PIT Maneuver

Dozens Hospitalized, One Dead: Unbelted Flight Passengers Hit Severe Turbulence

Apparently there was no warning before an international flight at cruising altitude violently threw its passengers into the ceiling. “Very suddenly there was a very dramatic drop, so everyone seated and not wearing a seatbelt was launched immediately into the ceiling,” 28-year-old student Dzafran Azmir told Reuters. “I saw people from across the aisle just … Continue reading Dozens Hospitalized, One Dead: Unbelted Flight Passengers Hit Severe Turbulence

Tesla Owner Terrified of FSD After Multiple Homicide Attempts

In 2016 in my BSidesLV keynote presentation I argued Tesla Autopilot was an algorithm engineered to kill, choosing to do harm. Few were ready to believe then what I said we could prove with simple tests of the vehicle. Eight years later this seems to only get proven over and over again by people on … Continue reading Tesla Owner Terrified of FSD After Multiple Homicide Attempts