Tesla Engineers Claim Deadly “Autopilot” Failures Since 2016 Treated as Wontfix

Tesla engineers have now confirmed what is being measured by safety experts outside, so it’s been proven to be no exaggeration to call the brand willfully negligent. Let’s back up for a minute and admit that 2016 should have seen the end of Tesla’s “Autopilot”. In January of that year, then again in May, Tesla’s … Continue reading Tesla Engineers Claim Deadly “Autopilot” Failures Since 2016 Treated as Wontfix

TX Tesla Murdered a Security Professional Nobody is Talking About

Recently, there was significant media attention surrounding a tragic incident involving a very wealthy woman and her daughter from Silicon Valley. They abruptly and mysteriously lost their lives when their Tesla suddenly “veered” into a tree and caught fire. The members of family who survived because they weren’t in a Tesla put up a gofundme … Continue reading TX Tesla Murdered a Security Professional Nobody is Talking About

US Court Green Lights Execution by Tesla: Probation for Robotic Manslaughter

In California, a Tesla equipped with Autopilot ignored red lights and caused fatalities, leading to its owner receiving only a two-year probation. Consequently, it appears that the penalty for such an incident, where a Tesla with autonomous capabilities is involved in causing harm, is relatively lenient. Enabling Autopilot and directing it towards someone seems to … Continue reading US Court Green Lights Execution by Tesla: Probation for Robotic Manslaughter

Tesla Quietly Admits in 2023 Autopilot Isn’t Ready For Public Roads

Flashback to 2016 when Tesla very confidently said more of their cars on the road would mean less injury, an absolute and total lie. As more real-world miles accumulate and the software logic accounts for increasingly rare events, the probability of injury will keep decreasing. Autopilot is getting better all the time… Yeah, no. What … Continue reading Tesla Quietly Admits in 2023 Autopilot Isn’t Ready For Public Roads