Hundreds of Brand New Teslas Piling Up in Junk Yards

Many times this week people have asked if I heard about the spontaneous Tesla fire near Sacramento. Yes, of course. The fire department said yet another Tesla just burst into flames without warning, I mean a warning other than the badge on the hood. It’s all over the news and for good reason, even while … Continue reading Hundreds of Brand New Teslas Piling Up in Junk Yards

Tesla Owners Embarrassed As They Find Out How Much Better Other Cars Are

I’ve mentioned this before, and now it’s headline news. Pretty simple to see that people who bought Tesla never should have, and are lucky it didn’t kill them. When I got the second Tesla, I got Full Self-Driving and was very disappointed. I didn’t trust it, because I had scares several times when I was … Continue reading Tesla Owners Embarrassed As They Find Out How Much Better Other Cars Are

Consumer Reports Warns Tesla Autopilot Safety is Far Behind Competitors

Years ago I gave presentations demonstrating how Tesla’s “Autopilot” was ranked dead last by industry experts. NVidia in particular, the real brains behind some of the most advanced and best driver assist options, rated Tesla engineering far behind every other car brand. It looks like the general public has finally caught up to technologists, as … Continue reading Consumer Reports Warns Tesla Autopilot Safety is Far Behind Competitors

Houston Upgrades Road Infrastructure to Protect People from Teslas

Here’s a example from Texas of how roads become far less safe as more Tesla were introduced, necessitating expensive infrastructure upgrades to save lives. When he reached Pierce Street, a Tesla turned the corner and drove into the bike lane. First, though, the vehicle hit the concrete barriers protecting the lane, bouncing over them, the … Continue reading Houston Upgrades Road Infrastructure to Protect People from Teslas