More tragic evidence of the Bush spoils system

The Washington Post has a blistering condemnation of the Bush administration’s reconstruction of Iraq. They point out that the long-condemned spoils system was not only favored, but taken to a new extreme: Many of those chosen by O’Beirne’s office to work for the Coalition Provisional Authority, which ran Iraq’s government from April 2003 to June … Continue reading More tragic evidence of the Bush spoils system

US secret prisons and twilight raids on immigrant homes

I just read a news story about a recent early-morning raid by the Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agency (ICEA), often referred to as ICE. Apparently unmarked vehicles showed up in residential neighborhoods and people wearing “Police” or civilian clothes knocked on doors in the early hours before sunrise. The ICEA had a list of names … Continue reading US secret prisons and twilight raids on immigrant homes

Wolfowitz causes UK to back away from World Bank

The BBC ends their story about the current situation with a telling example of what happens when you put an American neo-conservative in charge of a global organization: Oxfam and other campaigners such as Christian Aid say the World Bank’s current policies often leave people in developing countries worse off than before. “Imagine what life … Continue reading Wolfowitz causes UK to back away from World Bank