Chinese Abruptly Remove Their Driverless Cars From California Roads

Some are speculating that U.S. national security concerns have spooked the Chinese, causing an abrupt halt to many foreign robots being tested on California roads. Didi is not the only Chinese company that appears to be scaling back autonomous vehicle testing in California, or pulling out entirely. A DMV spokesperson said that five Chinese-based companies … Continue reading Chinese Abruptly Remove Their Driverless Cars From California Roads

Putin Assassinates Yet Another Russian Oil Executive

Reports of recent high profile assassinations in Russia, as previously mentioned, have now put the total at 40 people dead. That’s the same number as people killed with Tesla Autopilot. Which is worse? Here’s the latest, another oil baron: A top executive at Russia’s second-biggest oil company has become the third person to die suddenly … Continue reading Putin Assassinates Yet Another Russian Oil Executive