Tesla Owners Keep Crashing Into Their Own Homes

You’d think by now nobody would want to own or be around a Tesla. Their design flaws are putting everyone and everything near them at risk, dragging the entire car industry down. Alas, Tesla owners this last week again have “mysteriously” crashed into homes. First in Sacramento. Then in San Ramon. Laxmana Marpu said he … Continue reading Tesla Owners Keep Crashing Into Their Own Homes

DoJ Requests Files After Tesla Engineer Testifies “Driverless” Claims Are Intentionally Deceptive

Tesla’s SEC public disclosure filings have revealed that it received requests from the DOJ (US Department of Justice) for documents related to “Autopilot and FSD” (Full of Shit Driving) features. Tesla has a long habit of doing exactly what everyone says is wrong. One example is that when the U.S. government was cracking down on … Continue reading DoJ Requests Files After Tesla Engineer Testifies “Driverless” Claims Are Intentionally Deceptive

“Like we’re living through a war”: U.S. Road Deaths Hit 16 Year High

Here are two fascinating quotes from an article about how journalists should be trained to report on road deaths. First the government: “It’s as if we were living through a war,” Pete Buttigieg, Biden’s transportation secretary, said of road death rates in the US. “We cannot accept that these fatalities are somehow an inevitable part … Continue reading “Like we’re living through a war”: U.S. Road Deaths Hit 16 Year High