Tesla in Deadly Pole Position: FSD Kills More People

I’ve been noticing that Tesla lately are abruptly veering and crashing into poles. This pole position is usually fatal. And we know already that Tesla is by far the least safe, least trusted, EV maker because of its uniquely high rate of fatalities. 10 out of 10 “Driverless” Fatalities Were Caused by Tesla Yet investigations … Continue reading Tesla in Deadly Pole Position: FSD Kills More People

Tesla Safety Negligence Finally Goes to Court: “Sore Thumb” of American Roads

Quality of Tesla vehicles has been notoriously bad for years, and has been trending worse, which should be little surprise given how poorly it treats human life (from its workers and its customers to anyone in or around their product). Now top experts in automobile safety, who finally are getting some attention, aren’t mincing words … Continue reading Tesla Safety Negligence Finally Goes to Court: “Sore Thumb” of American Roads

Why Did the Bayesian Sink? Video of Palermo Storm That Hit the Lynch Superyacht

That’s a lot of wind on the ground. Still, such a large ocean-going “super” yacht sinking so abruptly has been raising many questions about what went wrong. A fisherman described seeing the yacht sinking “with my own eyes”. Speaking to the newspaper Giornale di Sicilia, the witness said he was at home when the tornado … Continue reading Why Did the Bayesian Sink? Video of Palermo Storm That Hit the Lynch Superyacht