The Daily Show on the Irony of Art, but no Banksy

I was a little disappointed with John Stewart’s piece on art authentication. While humorous, he attacked the notion of art and consumerism but skirted the more controversial subjects of graffitti and censorship. It seems to me that Banksy would have been a better example than Van Gough or Pollock. He is apparently about to have … Continue reading The Daily Show on the Irony of Art, but no Banksy

Police to License Access at Mumbai Cyber Cafes

Mid-day news reports that Mumbai Internet access is under heavy surveillance and supervision: Vijay Mukhi, President of the Foundation for Information Security and Technology says, “The terrorists know that if they use machines at home, they can be caught. Cybercafes therefore give them anonymity.” “The police needs to install programs that will capture every key … Continue reading Police to License Access at Mumbai Cyber Cafes