Tesla Driver Covers License Plate to Evade Arrest For Slamming Brakes on Freeway

Tesla engineering has been blamed for their cars abruptly slamming brakes and causing deaths, as well as big highway pileups. Tesla CEO Elon Musk announced the automated driving assist was available to the public the same day that a Tesla on FSD caused a pileup in a tunnel. They’re considered a “sore thumb” of transit. … Continue reading Tesla Driver Covers License Plate to Evade Arrest For Slamming Brakes on Freeway

Tesla “Solar Factory” Implicated in FSD Fraud: 500 Workers Directed to Classify Images for Driving

Elon Musk launched the Tesla concept for chargers in 2012 as solar powered. ..the CEO announced that the company was developing a network of solar-powered, high-speed charging terminals to be installed at roadside restaurants, rest stops, and shopping centers… Have you seen a solar-powered Tesla charger? Probably not. And now I’ll explain why “solar factory” … Continue reading Tesla “Solar Factory” Implicated in FSD Fraud: 500 Workers Directed to Classify Images for Driving

Tesla Truck Officially Flops: Late and Unsafe

Tesla has made itself about as exciting to car buyers as a gutted Studebaker on blocks. “What’s a Studebaker”, kids will ask. “Exactly”, their parents will say. German regulators have inspected the Tesla truck and found it fails the most basic safety tests by design. German authorities state that the vehicle’s structure is too rigid … Continue reading Tesla Truck Officially Flops: Late and Unsafe