10 out of 10 “Driverless” Fatalities Were Caused by Tesla

A new report looked at 11 fatalities by driverless systems over a few months (May to September). One wasn’t a Tesla, but it also turned out to be a car that didn’t have driverless. Oops, miscategorization. The remaining 10 people were killed by Tesla engineering. As I’ve warned since at least 2016, crash investigations bring … Continue reading 10 out of 10 “Driverless” Fatalities Were Caused by Tesla

Analysts Rate Tesla Mediocre Car Not Even Worth $20 Stock: “too unreliable for widespread use”

A car collector is angry the Tesla fraud happened to him. Soon after thinking he was getting a “deal” on a new car, he was stranded outside in freezing temperatures waiting for a tow. …”there’s a reason they punted so many [Teslas] out the door on cheap lease deals. Do yourself a favor and get … Continue reading Analysts Rate Tesla Mediocre Car Not Even Worth $20 Stock: “too unreliable for widespread use”

Workers Flee “Chaos” of Tesla Factory

Tesla’s “dumbest” factory yet, located in Germany, already has become one of the least attractive for workers. One current employee, who requested anonymity out of fear of losing their job, describes the Berlin gigafactory as “total chaos.” […] In the last year, Tesla dropped from being German engineering graduates’ second preferred employer (behind Google) to sixth. … Continue reading Workers Flee “Chaos” of Tesla Factory