Saudi Arabia Bought Twitter to Hunt and Jail Critics. Now It’s Attacking the ADL

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is the biggest shareholder of Twitter behind Elon Musk. And I mean they are literally behind Elon Musk. The gist of it is a true story that they threatened back in 2011 to ban all Jewish birds trying to enter their country. But seriously, they told Twitter executives that unless … Continue reading Saudi Arabia Bought Twitter to Hunt and Jail Critics. Now It’s Attacking the ADL

Altman’s OpenAI and WorldCoin Might Just Be Lying to Everyone on Purpose

Lately when people ask me about OpenAI’s ChatGPT just lying so brazenly, intentionally misstating facts and fabricating events, I explain that’s likely the purpose of the tool. It aims only to please, not ever to be “right” in any real sense let alone have any integrity. Over time the AI company has been getting worse, … Continue reading Altman’s OpenAI and WorldCoin Might Just Be Lying to Everyone on Purpose

The Mystery Second Plane of Yevgeny Prigozhin That Didn’t Crash

Two identical private jets took off, one returned and landed while the other lay in smoldering ruins. Yevgeny Prigozhin was said to be on board… one of them. This detail popped into my head as I read the MI6 quote to the Independent. [Putin is] making clear to everyone inside and outside of Russia that … Continue reading The Mystery Second Plane of Yevgeny Prigozhin That Didn’t Crash