Timeline: Did 2018 WhatsApp Security Flaw Lead to Assassination of WashPo Journalist?

This is a timeline of proprietary and centralized end-to-end encryption technology (yes that is a contradiction, and yes it uses an open source protocol) for secret delivery of malicious content to targets (apps and people) that seems to have led to massive privacy loss as well as targeted killings. January 2018: Facebook’s CSO campaigned on … Continue reading Timeline: Did 2018 WhatsApp Security Flaw Lead to Assassination of WashPo Journalist?

Why the White House Pardoned Convicted War Criminals

The short answer: these pardons serve to undermine democratic institutions and demonstrate “strong man” capabilities of an unaccountable leader. The longer answer: foreign military intelligence harnessing bias, a form of blind-spot no matter how intelligent the victim, can drive societal fracture and disfunction through manipulations of American sentiment. In this case a divisive issue of … Continue reading Why the White House Pardoned Convicted War Criminals

“Lean In — That Shit Doesn’t Work”

Michelle Obama, who obviously speaks truth to power, doesn’t believe at all in the “Lean In” concept. The title of this post comes from her being quoted in a new Wired story about the aristocratic methods of Facebook’s COO (referred to as an empress). Wired points out how “Lean in” instead soon may be more … Continue reading “Lean In — That Shit Doesn’t Work”