NASA Realizes Being a Nazi Does Not Mean Someone Knows How to Build Rockets

OceanGate of the sky.

NASA allegedly told SpaceX that the rocket launch this week could NOT be another X.

NASA needed this second attempt to go off without a hitch, Jim Free, NASA’s associate administrator for exploration-systems development, said at a space conference last month. “We need that to be successful to get us that much further down the road.”

It had to work, actually succeed in mission, to meet a moon landing schedule for 2025. Instead, as one should have expected from the man known best for promoting Nazism, this rocket X’d itself out of the sky.

Once again we have to remember that SpaceX was founded by a man who ridiculed and mocked the cautious culture of NASA by boasting he could deliver a Mars landing by 2018… a scam setup to take money from NASA like a giant advanced fee fraud.

Mars 2018? Look at the date.

Moon 2025? Just blew that up.

SpaceX, despite killing and maiming its workers in a mindless rush to repeat errors, cut corners and ignore science, apparently can’t even achieve the basic space flight without historic failure.

…one would think that this prominent NASA tribute to someone who used massive amounts of slave labor – with inhumane, lethal consequences – should at least be put in a box somewhere.
It’s time.

Maybe SpaceX should change it’s name to just X, to focus on the CEO’s notorious habit of using his brands as a vehicle to spread hate speech.

It’s notable NASA has been indirectly funding overt Nazis again like it’s the 1950s… perhaps thinking there was some kind of velocity magic (anti-gravity tricks) in hiring cruel, abusive fascists. The government agency must have started to realize by now, however, that being a Nazi doesn’t mean someone knows anything about how to build a rocket.

A 1953 illustration of 3-stage Ferry Rocket concept from the notorious German Nazi Wernher von Braun. He promised Hitler a “Wunderwaffe” (miracle weapon) to kill all the Jews, which obviously never happened. After WWII he was feted by NASA, who even pushed him onto Disney to broadcast his unhinged fascist ideas onto children.

As the German historians put it, NASA clearly trampled on corpses in their past. A chilling fact is more people died working for Werner von Braun building his rockets to serve Hitler (he personally selected slaves out of Nazi slave camps that he would kill) than his rockets ever managed to actually hit:

Für seine Weltraumpläne ging er über Leichen… Bei der Produktion verloren mehr Menschen ihr Leben als bei den Einschlägen. Unter unmenschlichen Bedingungen arbeiteten KZ-Häftlinge in einem Bergwerksstollen bei Nordhausen in Thüringen an der Raketenmontage.

Arguably America succeeded because of the many talented hidden Black women working at NASA, in spite of the outlandish and loudmouthed Nazi in their way who had failed so miserably as Hitler’s minion before he came to depend on them and steal their success.

NASA moon shot glass, which should be updated to “X is not an option”

South Korean Robot Kills Its Inspector

I haven’t seen enough attention paid to a tragic story out of South Korea:

The robotic arm, confusing the man for a box of vegetables, grabbed him and pushed his body against the conveyer belt, crushing his face and chest, South Korean news agency Yonhap said.

Nobody should write “confusing the man for a box of vegetables” without more detailed explanation.

What about a person “confused” a robot into seeing a box instead, and why was this even possible?

CA Tesla Robot Suspected in Home Invasion

Police in San Mateo have a funny way with words.

The driver, said to be about 70 years old, somehow lost control as they were coming down a hill, San Mateo police Officer Jerami Surratt said. The car continued onto a driveway, went over the embankment and was sent flying over the backyard pool before landing halfway inside the house. “You don’t normally see a car flying through the air over a swimming pool into a house,” Surratt said. “That is kind of a new thing.”

Autopilot. That “new thing” is called the engineering catastrophe of Autopilot.

A car with the notable license plate of “Zhao 9” paid a premium to catastrophically fail and put lives in danger in a way nobody has before.

“I’ve lived here for almost 30 years and have had no cars flying into our backyard before”.

Just say Autopilot. Your local home invasion robot.

It’s just an uncontrollable deadly Tesla coming to do what it always does: fail at safety of all those unfortunate to be around it.

What’s in your neighborhood?

Russia Sabotages Crimea With Remotely Deployed Mines to Make it Uninhabitable

A buried lede in the news about the war in Ukraine is how Russia is remotely dumping mines to destroy Crimea for everyone.

Zaluzhny tells the Economist that the Kremlin is oblivious to the huge losses sustained by the Russian army – well over 100,000 men according to many estimates. In the last few days, Ukrainian Defense Minister Rustem Umerov says Russia has lost 4,000 men around Avdviika alone. Open-source imagery suggests the Russians may have lost up to 200 tanks and other vehicles in that battle.


Even where dense minefields are penetrated, often at great cost, the Russians restore them through remote mine-laying.

The real killer analysis, when you put both of these points in context, is that Russia has completely devalued human life.

They spread mines, throw away assets, and wallow in deep trenches as an antique and polar opposite to Ukraine, which clearly uses cutting edge light strike methods as it fights for human rights.

Remote mine laying is old hat Cold War stuff for Russia. However, in typical evil snark (a nod to Molotov’s “bread baskets“), they have named their newest system “Земледелие” (agriculture) because in minutes an entire field 15 kilometers away in Crimea is “planted” with humanity destroying munitions.