Big Tech Admits Security Teams Politically Directed and Intentionally Blind to Hate Groups

My head hurt when I read a new “insider” article on detecting and preventing hate on big data platforms. It’s awful on many, many levels. It’s like seeing a story on airplane safety in hostile territory where former staff reveal they couldn’t agree politically on how to measure gravity in a way that appeased a … Continue reading Big Tech Admits Security Teams Politically Directed and Intentionally Blind to Hate Groups

CPAC 2021 Open Display of Nazi Symbols

In 2016 the National Socialist Movement (NSM) of America, also known as Nazis, claimed to be “buoyed by a Donald Trump victory”, and announced a shift in symbols they considered headline-worthy: “…white supremacists ban swastika in bold attempt to ‘go mainstream’.” The Odal rune, a less-well-known Nazi Germany symbol, will take the place of the … Continue reading CPAC 2021 Open Display of Nazi Symbols

Nazi Operation Masqueraded as Right-Wing News Station to Target Voters

An anti-semitic journalist named Paul Ferdonnet exiled himself in the late 1930s to Nazi Germany and was believed by French intelligence to be the broadcast voice of Radio-Stuttgart. Ferdonnet had risen to fame by fraudulently boasting in French that Hitler was interested in peace and that Britain was no ally of France. He typically tried … Continue reading Nazi Operation Masqueraded as Right-Wing News Station to Target Voters