Testing Things the “Wrong Way” is the Right Way to Test

Yesterday I have a talk at ISACA-SF where I repeatedly emphasized how AI auditing is about testing things in a way that breaks them. This shouldn’t be news to anyone used to testing things, and yet many of the platforms somehow are trying to respond to algorithm failure by telling people to stop the tests. … Continue reading Testing Things the “Wrong Way” is the Right Way to Test

Amazon Astro Robot “especially problematic for children”

TL;DR Amazon created a “big eyes” screen to weaponize surveillance “especially problematic for children, who don’t have the capacity to understand” such overt manipulation tactics. Calling their robot stupid is like saying kid cereal is just sugar. Children “fall in love with” something targeting them with harm. A new MIT thought piece called “Amazon’s Astro … Continue reading Amazon Astro Robot “especially problematic for children”

The 1947 Electric Car That Even Today Looks Modern: Nissan Tama

I’ve mentioned on this blog before the 1947 Nissan Tama. It has several important historical characteristics that make it look like something very modern even today. Designed for the switch to a peacetime economy Designed by 200 Tachikawa Aircraft employees Extreme shortage of gasoline Top speed of 35 km/h (22 mph) and a cruising range … Continue reading The 1947 Electric Car That Even Today Looks Modern: Nissan Tama