Wired Magazine: “History of Black Androids”

Virginia Heffernan, writing for Wired, has published an “ideas” piece for the March 2022 issue that calls out the Tesla bot as “a racist phenomenon dating back to the 18th century.” I couldn’t agree more, and in fact am quoted in the article. At least one observer, Davi Ottenheimer, a digital ethics expert, likened the … Continue reading Wired Magazine: “History of Black Androids”

Does Hegel’s Philosophy Crack the Big Data Security Nut?

The gap (from empiricists like Austrian philosopher Karl Popper) described in a fun philosophy article about Hegel is exactly why big data security is failing so badly (the book I’ve been writing for a decade). His philosophy was seen as the epitome of a grand metaphysical system purporting to lay out a priori the fundamental … Continue reading Does Hegel’s Philosophy Crack the Big Data Security Nut?

The power of disinformation: “75 percent of the German Army relied on horses” in WWII

German war history is frequently told incorrectly, obscuring huge waste and a lack of mechanization related to Nazi incompetence. A history book “Mechanized Juggernaut Or Military Anachronism“, for example, is described by its publisher as “myth-busting”: One of the great misconceptions about World War II is the notion that the German Army was a marvel … Continue reading The power of disinformation: “75 percent of the German Army relied on horses” in WWII