Nikola EV Founder Sentenced to Jail: Only 2% of Car Trips in America are Over 50 Miles

This post really should have been titled: “GAS STATIONS SUCK: AMERICANS CRAVE RANGE TO AVOID THEM“. It’s true. American car drivers travel less than 50 miles a whopping 98% of the time, yet that somehow is falsely interpreted by pundits as a worry about having long range. The fixation on mileage may be misplaced, however, … Continue reading Nikola EV Founder Sentenced to Jail: Only 2% of Car Trips in America are Over 50 Miles

South Africa Has Banned SpaceX

It is noteworthy to acknowledge historical aspects related to Elon Musk’s grandfather, who expressed support for Hitler during World War II. [Musk’s grandfather was] leader in a fringe political movement that called itself Technocracy Incorporated, which advocated an end to democracy and rule by a small tech-savvy elite. During World War II, the Canadian government … Continue reading South Africa Has Banned SpaceX

NASA Realizes Being a Nazi Does Not Mean Someone Knows How to Build Rockets

NASA allegedly told SpaceX that the rocket launch this week could NOT be another X. NASA needed this second attempt to go off without a hitch, Jim Free, NASA’s associate administrator for exploration-systems development, said at a space conference last month. “We need that to be successful to get us that much further down the … Continue reading NASA Realizes Being a Nazi Does Not Mean Someone Knows How to Build Rockets

Microsoft Fired Its Editors and Ethicists: as a Result Its AI Spreads Political Extremism

Someone at Microsoft, probably the CEO but who knows if anything ever sticks to him, has decided to repeat Hitler’s favorite thing about America: the Henry Ford method of spreading political extremism. Sorry, second favorite thing. Take a minute to recognize Hitler’s favorite thing in 1933 about America actually was Stanford’s 1853 method of genocide. … Continue reading Microsoft Fired Its Editors and Ethicists: as a Result Its AI Spreads Political Extremism