Tesla Quietly Admits in 2023 Autopilot Isn’t Ready For Public Roads

Flashback to 2016 when Tesla very confidently said more of their cars on the road would mean less injury, an absolute and total lie. As more real-world miles accumulate and the software logic accounts for increasingly rare events, the probability of injury will keep decreasing. Autopilot is getting better all the time… Yeah, no. What … Continue reading Tesla Quietly Admits in 2023 Autopilot Isn’t Ready For Public Roads

Police Charge Tesla Autopilot With “Careless” Driving

An 18 year old from Michigan just crashed into the back of a traffic control vehicle, proving once again that Tesla’s low quality “Autopilot” robot is less safe than a human driver. A Tesla on autopilot crashed into a work truck providing traffic control on the Pennsylvania Turnpike in Allegheny County, state police said. David … Continue reading Police Charge Tesla Autopilot With “Careless” Driving