Top Diesel Myths and Why Diesel Hybrids Make Perfect Sense

Since 2004 I have been driving a diesel engine. The B5.5 generation VW Passat gets about 40 mpg despite being a full-sized vehicle with the towing strength equivalent of a Ford F150 pickup. It’s really quite amazing to consider how efficient it runs. On a trip from San Francisco to Las Vegas, which is approximately … Continue reading Top Diesel Myths and Why Diesel Hybrids Make Perfect Sense

$15million LA camera system failing

PoliceOne says that a 60% percent success rate is far (20%) below expectations: Los Angeles’ $15 million high-tech camera system designed to catch red-light runners let four in 10 violators off the hook last year because the drivers couldn’t be identified, according to police data. In other words, the cameras are highlighting another control gap … Continue reading $15million LA camera system failing