RFDUMP is a handy utility that claims to work with any RFID tags. I hope to get a chance to test early next year. A CTO from a security company just mentioned that he has perfected his T-Mobile scanner and now gets free wi-fi access at any of their hotspots. One can only imagine the incentives of gathering RFID passport information, compared to credentials for free bandwidth.

The Volvo Pirates

Something about the words “Pirate” and “Volvo” just dont’ go together, but nonetheless the media mogul Disney has entered their billboard into the famous round-the-world race. Early images of what real Pirates should look forward to in their waters indicate a flashy black and red cartoon character. I can just imagine being sleep-deprived in high seas during the middle of the night and staring at the eerie glow of a giant skull on the foresail. No word on the specifics yet, but the 70-footer will probably be outfitted with some of Harken’s latest wenches. Har har!

Nov 14th update: Hall Spars is apparently doing the rigging. Congrats Ben!

Correspondence Patterns

I like the conclusions in this study:

“Darwin and Einstein correspondence patterns: These scientists prioritized their replies to letters in the same way that people rate their e-mails today.”

Not only does it vindicate my habit of attending to some communication instantly, while letting other things wait for eons, but it also raises interesting implications for confidentiality and data retention.

Preacher killed by baptism

I know this is more about safety than security, but I just found the story somewhat shocking:

“Rev Kyle Lake, 33, was standing in a small pool used for baptisms at the University Baptist Church when he was electrocuted on Sunday morning. Rev Lake reached out to adjust a nearby microphone, which produced an electric shock, said church pastor Ben Dudley.”

Sad but true.