Top 10 Data Disasters

On-Track has released their annual report on the top ten data disasters. It is a serious business, and OnTrack has built quite a reputation for saving the day(ta):

10. PhD Almost an F – A PhD candidate lost his entire dissertation when a bad power supply suddenly zapped his computer and damaged the USB Flash drive that stored the document. Had the data not been recovered, the student would not have graduated.

He must have been in a state of shock — “Teacher, the electricity ate my homework”.

4. Drilling for Data – During a multi-drive RAID recovery, engineers discovered one drive belonging in the set was missing. The customer found the missing drive in a dumpster, but in compliance with company policy for disposing of old drives, it had a hole drilled through it.

Can we please see the top tep without the remarkable recoveries included (just the failures)? That would be more interesting, I think. Or, as the infamous WWII story goes, if you are going to better-protect your pilots you should review planes that were shot down rather than just the ones that returned.

Apple Turn-Offs

Don Norman, former VP of Apple’s Advanced Technology Group, posted a comment on TedBlog about a common failure of Apple designs:

But now let me tell you my pet peeve: the on-off switch of both the regular iPods and the Shuffle. Historically, one thing Apple has always gotten wrong – on all products, big and small — is the power switch (I even wrote a book chapter about this once). The iPod on-off is a mystery to behold, a mystery to explain to others. The Shuffle is even worse. You have to slide a very-difficult-to-slide slider down some unknown amount. It has two settings, but no marking to let you know where you are. Actually, it has markings but they have zero correspondence to the switch setting. You know, this is NOT a tradeoff. Having a little mark on the sliding part and corresponding labeled terms on the fixed case would be trivial to do. Make usage smoother and easier. Cost no money. Bah.

Why is the slider so hard to slide? Their Industrial Designers seem not to have heard of friction — the fingers slip over the nice smooth surface, while the switch remains stationary. Finally when I finally squeeze really hard, the slider does move, but too far, to the wrong position. And those blinking lights. Secret codes that mean who-knows-what. It sometimes takes me 5 minutes to get my Shuffle to start playing, me continually sliding the switch up and down, pushing various buttons, watching lights go on, blink on, flash, turn various colors. All meaningless.

Just the other day I was reviewing racks of servers with bright warning lights. “What does that indicate?” I asked the admin responsible to see if they could decipher the code. Unfortunately, I was told something similar to what Don might have guessed, “no idea, but they seem to come and go.”

All the way from the personal mp3 player to the datacenter, the sole LED has become a cornerstone of messaging and yet no one seems to be very worried about learning how to interpret its meaning. The old-school hex number codes were one thing, but it seems like an amber or green light blinking erratically is almost guaranteed to be ignored.

To be fair, Don could have mentioned that Apple does provide an iPod shuffle reference card to break the codes.

I like the Check battery code: if you do not see a light, there is no charge. Ah, yes, and if your shuffle is wet, it must be raining.

PodCast Hijacking

Corante has an interesting warning about Podcasting security. It seems that if you’re not careful, someone else might be registering your podcast for you and (as a man-in-the-middle) waiting for an opportune moment to turn off their link and then blackmail you.

Ease of adoption strikes again. Authentication of an RSS feed might be a good idea, even if it adds a moderate amount of flexibility. Podcast certificates anyone?

Can you survive without a hard drive?

NEC has announced a new laptop that has no hard disk drive, perhaps with the intention of preventing any loss of confidentiality if a powered-off system is lost or stolen:

Local storage resides in the computer’s RAM, which is cleared when the machine is switched off, thus removing any potential security risk from data theft but also requiring a backup before the computer is switched off. This can be done with a central server or, should a network not be available, to a USB memory device, [a spokesman for the Tokyo company] says.

It’s a piece of mind for many, I’m sure, but most attacks still happen when the computer is still switched on and connected to a network. Just a few more thoughts:

1) This could be a glimse of the future when online security becomes so strong that remote attacks become truly remote, meaning the physical security of traditional PCs with massive local storage (80GB and more) may be the weak link of tomorrow.

2) Saving files to USB doesn’t seem like it provides any real consolation unless the USB device is encrypted or has some other controls (pill-format that can be easily swallowed?) to prevent loss. Not to mention USB fobs tend to be volatile and have the annoying habit of wiping themselves without warning, so I wouldn’t exactly rely on them without some kind of extra assurance.

3) This is likely to be transformed into something a little more practical such as an Internet cafe system, or public kiosk. Restart the system and you know it is clean. That type of environment would easily justify the extra expense. I don’t see the cost being justified in a personal laptop sense (yet) for the prior two reasons.

4) Personally, I would love to have an instant-on thin client interface at home, which would rely on a centralized redundant array of inexpensive disks. Nothing in the market is really there yet for the home user. Yet, the NEC system suggests we could be nearing an age when a true thin-client and server-like solution could be in every home (“honey, I think we need to upgrade the datacenter”). And then we could talk about home security in a similar manner to large corporations (layers and defense-in-depth) instead of a random smattering of desktops littered around a household trying in vain to share files and migrate profiles without excessive self-exposure.

Have to give NEC some credit for pushing the envelope on security. The last thing I saw from them was a massively-redundant 4U server that promised better than five nines (less than 5 minutes of down-time per year). See? You put that thing in your basement with HVAC conditioning and a few of these laptops around the house…as soon as the price comes down to earth I’m on it.

Cool company.