Ukranian Drones Struck Russian Warships, Again Proving Elon Musk a Liar

Allegedly Elon Musk continuously lies about who told him to protect Russian warships and why he did it. Gaslighting, as usual, the unstable Musk has said both he personally stepped in to help Putin save the Russian ships, and also that he refused to step in and did nothing in order to help Putin save … Continue reading Ukranian Drones Struck Russian Warships, Again Proving Elon Musk a Liar

Altman’s OpenAI and WorldCoin Might Just Be Lying to Everyone on Purpose

Lately when people ask me about OpenAI’s ChatGPT just lying so brazenly, intentionally misstating facts and fabricating events, I explain that’s likely the purpose of the tool. It aims only to please, not ever to be “right” in any real sense let alone have any integrity. Over time the AI company has been getting worse, … Continue reading Altman’s OpenAI and WorldCoin Might Just Be Lying to Everyone on Purpose

Security Architect’s Guide to ISO/SAE 21434: Vehicle Safety

As any regular reader of this blog surely must know, vehicles have become increasingly connected and reliant on software systems. Rather than harp yet again on the many basic engineering safety failures of Tesla, in this post I will dig into an International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) standard … Continue reading Security Architect’s Guide to ISO/SAE 21434: Vehicle Safety