Putin Assassinates Yet Another Russian Oil Executive

Reports of recent high profile assassinations in Russia, as previously mentioned, have now put the total at 40 people dead. That’s the same number as people killed with Tesla Autopilot. Which is worse? Here’s the latest, another oil baron: A top executive at Russia’s second-biggest oil company has become the third person to die suddenly … Continue reading Putin Assassinates Yet Another Russian Oil Executive

Can You Spot the NYT eBike Disinformation?

We often speak about disinformation like it’s a side show to news, something motivated in extremes and from adversaries outside of balanced mainstream reporting. The NYT however gives us a good example of disinformation in the mainstream cycles (pun intended). They’ve been caught by StreetsBlog pushing an agenda with false analysis. To begin, the NYT … Continue reading Can You Spot the NYT eBike Disinformation?

If AfD are Nazis, and Elon Musk Campaigns for AfD, What Does That Make Him?

First, the Nazis in AfD love saying they are definitely not the thing that they are. There is a long list of cases with a neo-Nazi connections in the AfD – and it runs right up to the national executive committee. AfD literally oppose law and order — want to undermine the Constitution — so … Continue reading If AfD are Nazis, and Elon Musk Campaigns for AfD, What Does That Make Him?

Russians Capture a Ukrainian Drone and Then It Kills Them

Here Trojan horse, over here. Come closer, closer please so everyone can see you better and take selfies. This KyivPost story is hard to believe. Allegedly Russian soldiers worked hard to hijack and redirect a Ukrainian kamikaze-bomb drone to force it to land near them. Next they gathered even more Russians around in just such … Continue reading Russians Capture a Ukrainian Drone and Then It Kills Them