Nikola EV Founder Sentenced to Jail: Only 2% of Car Trips in America are Over 50 Miles

This post really should have been titled: “GAS STATIONS SUCK: AMERICANS CRAVE RANGE TO AVOID THEM“. It’s true. American car drivers travel less than 50 miles a whopping 98% of the time, yet that somehow is falsely interpreted by pundits as a worry about having long range. The fixation on mileage may be misplaced, however, … Continue reading Nikola EV Founder Sentenced to Jail: Only 2% of Car Trips in America are Over 50 Miles

South Africa Has Banned SpaceX

It is noteworthy to acknowledge historical aspects related to Elon Musk’s grandfather, who expressed support for Hitler during World War II. [Musk’s grandfather was] leader in a fringe political movement that called itself Technocracy Incorporated, which advocated an end to democracy and rule by a small tech-savvy elite. During World War II, the Canadian government … Continue reading South Africa Has Banned SpaceX

Bay Area Tech Fraud Case Reveals Massive Integrity Flaws

The report in SF Gate speaks for itself, especially with regard to modified bank statements. …according to the affidavit, Olguin and Soberal sent an investor an “altered” bank statement that showed a Bitwise account on March 31, 2022, with over $20 million in cash in it. First Republic Bank provided the government with the actual … Continue reading Bay Area Tech Fraud Case Reveals Massive Integrity Flaws

Italian Privacy Authority Announces Investigation Into AI Data Collections

A nod to the Italy Intellectual Property Blog for an important story that I haven’t seen reported anywhere else: The Italian Privacy Authority announced today that it has launched an investigation to verify whether websites are adopting adequate security measures to prevent the massive collection of personal data for the purpose of training AI algorithms. … Continue reading Italian Privacy Authority Announces Investigation Into AI Data Collections