JAMRS database

Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld started a Pentagon program in 2003 called the Joint Advertising and Market Research Recruiting Database (JAMRS). The Department of Defense intended to collect and analyze information on high school students over the age of 15, college students, and others in order to enhance the Pentagon’s ability to target qualified candidates for military recruiting. Perhaps most notably, Rumsfeld did not publish any notice of JAMRS until after it had been established.

It appears that the database holds million of records with information including Social Security number, date of birth, ethnicity, address, grade point average and telephone number. Not surprisingly it is all managed by a private marketing firm outside the Department of Defense and is retained for a period of at least five years. Surprising, however, is the fact that there is no “opt-out” option:

Parents must contact the Pentagon directly to ask that their children’s information not be released to recruiters, but the data is not removed from the JAMRS database, according to Lt. Col. Ellen Krenke, a Pentagon spokeswoman.

Instead, the information is moved to a suppression file, where it is continuously updated with new data from private and government sources and still made available to recruiters, Krenke said. It’s necessary to keep the information in the suppression file so the Pentagon can make sure it’s not being released, she said.

Very Kafka-esque. They have to keep updating your information in a database in order to make sure they are not keeping your current information in the database?

Some investigative reporter might be able to confirm whether there is a connection between this particular marketing firm and a political party, private interest group (e.g. the NRA) or some family name on the hill.

EPIC provides more background and information on their DOD Recuiting Database Page. For example, they explain some of the Bush administration’s back-door dealings to quietly circumvent privacy laws:

The creation of the database caused many to revisit public policy choices made by Congress on military recruiting. As explained above, under the No Child Left Behind law, Congress forced public and private schools receiving federal educational fund to release secondary students’ names, addresses and telephone numbers to military recruiters who request them.

Bad form from Google

So I’ve been getting fraud email from @gmail users lately (ironically purporting to be @yahoo users). I simply made sure I had the header information and I forwarded the entire message with a brief “please investigate” message at the top to their “abuse” team.

I expected Google, like most companies, to parse my email with an automated system and send some sort of generic response. Alas, instead I was given the following answer:


Thank you for the abuse report. To help us process your request quickly,
please fill out the form specific to your situation.

– If you believe that your account may have been compromised, please
visit: https://services.google.com/inquiry/gmail_security1

– To report a message that violates the Gmail Terms of Use or Program
Policies, please visit:

– To report an established account for sale, please visit:

– To report all other security and/or abuse-related issues, please visit:

Reports entered through the form are given our highest priority. Google
takes abuse situations like this very seriously. As appropriate, we may
warn users or discontinue Gmail service for the account(s) in question.
For privacy and security reasons, we may not reveal the final outcome of
an abuse case to the person who reported it. To read the Gmail Terms of
Use, please visit: http://gmail.google.com/gmail/help/terms_of_use.html.

If your issue is not related to abuse, you may want to visit our Help
Center at http://gmail.google.com/support/, or by clicking ‘Help’ at the
top of any Gmail page within your account.

We appreciate the urgent nature of your message, and thank you for your


The Google Team

Sincere indeed. Perhaps instead of “To help us process your request quickly” they should have been honest and just said “Ooops, you sent us an email but we don’t know how to handle it. Mind if you put all the information from your email into a web form for us?”

Perhaps instead of the “form letter” (pun intended) we should create a shim that takes email input and submits to their form automatically. Now that would process requests quickly. What’s the rate limiting factor that Google assumes? 10 submits in an hour? 100? Let’s say hypothetically that I’m a security administrator for a large enterprise and I want to pursue all the fraud originating from their servers. Do they really expect me to have my staff manually enter every message into a little form? Their current method makes it such a pain to report fraud that I wonder if I’ll be seeing more and more @gmail abuse in the near future.

Incidentally, I filled out the form and did not receive any confirmation of receipt. Perhaps that comes after they have a human review the submission…since a form is also not immune from data integrity issues.

UPDATE: Google’s response above was emailed to me as #60445059 “Fw: Subject”. I just received another response from them, two days later, as #60655802 “Account Status”. What are the chances that they crossed their wires and I was sent the response for someone else’s ticket. Or maybe 210,743 other tickets really went through their system in the time it took to be resolved? They kindly report that “You can also help stop these individuals by sending a copy of such unlawful messages to the Federal Trade Commission at spam@uce.gov.” Nice. Does that mean they want users to actually forward a copy themselves because Google requires a form instead of a copy? Oh, the irony.

Little Bird

by Jerry Jeff Walker

A little bird come sit upon my window sill
Sat there through the fog and rain
As I watched that bird upon my window sill
Song with thoughts of you goin’ by again

And the picture of my face
Reflected on the pane
Now is it tears I see
Or is it rain?

I remember how we talked before we said goodbye
Too young to know this world outside our door
Now the miles of time have built a wall my love
And though I try I just can’t tear it down

For I said that love takes many shapes, it has no form
Has no boundaries, has no grips to hold
The time will take the foolish hand and twist a tinge of pain
Make the heart look old with eyes grown cold

And the picture of my face
Reflected on the pane
Now is it tears I see
Or is it rain?

I have no regrets about the past, there’s nothing I can change
Life’s a road you walk just one-way down
But looking back I do recall that frame of time
When the world was love and time was just a thought

Many things go many ways, your course of life is such
We all must pick that road of life to walk
And each gives off old memories like hand-notes in a log
Where the world is time and that love is just a thought

And the picture of my face
Reflected on the pane
Now is it tears I see
Or is it rain?

As my thoughts go tumbling back, I wonder how you look
I wonder if you’ve seen that little bird
I wonder if he’s sat upon your window sill
I wonder if you’ll ever hear these words

And the picture of my face
Reflected on the pane
Now is it tears I see
Or is it rain?

Eine Kleine Pumpe-Duse Diesel

Audi has announced that it is starting to use four valves per cylinder in its newest diesel powerplant, available in the sporty A3 and A4 models…except in the United States. Alas, Americans still have no Audi diesels and will have to settle with VW and Daimler-Chrysler for the time being if they want modern diesel engineering. Remember when little gas engines with 16-valve cylinder heads were all the rage in the early 1990s? Diesel is finally getting some of the same engineering attention. Tiscali has a nice blurb about the engines that will ship next month in the UK:

Pump-injector fuel injection and piezo technology combine for the first time in the new 170PS 2.0 TDI engine for A3 and A4. The new four-cylinder, 2.0-litre TDI unit is the first in the Audi range to combine ‘pumpe-duse’ or ‘pump jet’ direct diesel injection with the piezo crystal injector technology from the 2.7-litre V6, 3.0-litre V6 and 4.2-litre V8 TDI engines. It is said to deliver power, torque and acceleration to rival a six-cylinder TDI but with four-cylinder fuel economy.

Awesome. Audi scores again. This company is definitely making some of the best cars in the world right now. Tiscali makes an interesting comparison in another article about the A3:

The Audi is licked by the BMW on performance but has the edge on economy and emissions.

Economy and emissions ARE performance! I know, this still is not the common view, but look what happened to Intel when the market shifted to efficiency as a primary measure of CPU performance. AMD walked away with the market and now Intel is soon to be talking about huge layoffs and reorganization (mark my words) to figure out how to figure out where to get their mojo back. They hired a marketing exec as new CEO to help, yet it’s not a failure of marketing that did them in, it was a failure to add a measure of efficiency to their product metrics. Engineers understand this, but the marketing culture did them in. Ironic, no? Raw power without factoring input was the problem, so marketing power differently is not going to help any more than, say, marketing an SUV to people who care about mileage. But I digress…

So sad that the American market is closed to the pumpe-duse. Maybe things will change this October 15th (September 1st for California because they refused to grant an extension to the petroleum companies) when the ultra-low sulfur diesel (ULSD) EPA regulation goes into effect. Rediculous that the US is still adding sulfur when biodiesel does a better job and is less toxic to humans and the environment.

I am not a doctor but even I knew by 1994 (after diesel trucks in Europe nearly killed me with their exhaust) that the cases of respiratory damage (e.g. asthma) in proximity to roads with diesel traffic would decline significantly if the sulfer additive was banned altogether!!!

The EPA has some rather shocking data that supports my personal experience:

The Agency will require a 97 percent reduction in the sulfur content of highway diesel fuel from its current level of 500 parts per million to 15 parts per million.


Once this action is fully implemented, 2.6 million tons of smog-causing nitrogen oxide emissions will be reduced each year. Soot or particulate matter will be reduced by 110,000 tons a year. An estimated 8,300 premature deaths, 5,500 cases of chronic bronchitis and 17,600 cases of acute bronchitis in children will also be prevented annually. It is also estimated to help avoid more than 360,000 asthma attacks and 386,000 cases of respiratory symptoms in asthmatic children every year. In addition, 1.5 million lost work days, 7,100 hospital visits and 2,400 emergency room visits for asthma will be prevented.

If you dig around in the details you might also find that delay of implementation of the new standard is was allowed by the Bush Administration to help US petroleum and engine companies off-set the cost of moving away from a fuel additive found damaging to human health. There is also the particulate matter issue, but good luck trying to figure out which of the handful of mostly academic studies is worth citing and who was behind them. I personally know of a construction crew that started running biodiesel and their worker sick leave almost completely evaporated.

Strange twist, no? Biodiesel could easily replace sulfur now, just like it has in Europe (e.g. B5 is the standard in France and VW specifically mentions that it does not void their engine warranty) and would be a boon to jobs, especially in rural areas, and health/productivity in urban areas.

Interesting security and economic trade-offs, especially if you try and calculate the cost of externalities to the petroleum industry.

Now, how do I import one of those AMDs, I mean Audis?