Church Embezzlement

One day this past summer I was walking along a mountain trail when I ran into a pair of hikers. We talked a little and before I knew it they were telling me about their church in a wealthy neighborhood of Connecticut where the priest had been caught embezzling millions of dollars to support his boyfriend’s lavish lifestyle.

I guess I kind of filed away the story in the back of my mind until I read a New York Times story the other day titled “Embezzlement Is Found in Many Catholic Dioceses“:

A survey by researchers at Villanova University has found that 85 percent of Roman Catholic dioceses that responded had discovered embezzlement of church money in the last five years, with 11 percent reporting that more than $500,000 had been stolen.

I am tempted to think about these stories in the same way that I used to think about Enron. Will the people demand reform? Will there be new accounting guidelines, including data processing controls, perhaps like applying SOX to churches? (Perhaps I should also ask whether the people who benefited from the fraud will become President of the US?)

Then I read quotes in the Times such as this:

“We think if you work for a church — you’re a volunteer or a priest — the last thing on your mind is to do something dishonest,� Mr. Zech said. “But people are people, and there’s a lot of temptation there, and with the cash-based aspect of how churches operate, it’s pretty easy.�

Is that really true? I thought the church was to help people who needed help, and to avoid assumptions about people being naturally inclined to make the right decisions on their own when faced with temptation. Perhaps financial sins and commandment violations are now regarded as less significant than topics like marrying someone of the same sex.

Hmmm, wonder what would happen if a church discovered that its priest was embezzling money from gay couples. The money would be tainted, but if it helped support the church’s mission…unless of course the priest was also gay and supporting his secret lover….

Back to the story, I think this quote makes a great deal more sense as to why so much fraud has been found:

“Churches have a tendency to be in denial about the potential for this conduct in their midst,� Mr. Knapp [director of the Southern Institute for Business and Professional Ethics, at Georgia State University in Atlanta] said. “When ethics seminars or ethics codes are proposed in churches, they are often met with resistance from people who say, ‘Why in the world would we need this? After all, this is the church.’ Whereas in business, people readily recognize that this sort of thing can happen.�

Indeed, although I have to say my experience has been that good people do bad things more than bad people lurk around waiting for the right moment to flex their unethical behavior. In other words, people seem to go off the rails when they self-rationalize actions under duress of externalities or environmental changes, or any number of odd motives. So it is probably not so much about universal ethics and dissuading people from the evils of temptation as it is figuring out who believes that they have justifiable “need” or can become righteous in seeking “salvation”. And from that perspective, it might be even easier to see why Churches would be in denial about it being a problem.

The affordable 1TB drive has arrived

Newsfactor reports that the modern space race has led us to a one-terabyte drive for $399. They also point out some other interesting data points on modern reliability, performance and energy-consumption requirements:

…Hitachi’s new drives beat older models in more than just space. The Deskstar offers increased shock protection and three “idle” modes designed to help the drive consume less power. In turn, the CinemaStar boasts Smooth Stream Technology designed to maximize the performance of audio and video applications.

The “big” question (pun not intended) might also become how to secure huge repositories of data.

A traditional file system is hardly trustworthy enough to do a truly secure delete/move, for example. If we really are on the road to consumer product farms for data (e.g. 1-TB mirrored shared network storage systems at home), then I bet the next question will become how to use the space for database repositories with superior indexing, journaling and cleaning capabilities.

I mean it’s great to have a massive storage space to cram all your stuff into, but only if you can trust that it will not be lost, stolen and/or damaged.

The botnet plague

The New York Times had an interesting article a few days ago about the ongoing prevalence of botnets. It suggests they are still growing in sophistication and size. The article is worth a read partly because of the amusing quotes like this one:

“It’s a huge scientific, policy, and ultimately social crisis, and no one is taking any responsibility for addressing it,� said K. C. Claffy , a veteran Internet researcher at the San Diego Supercomputer Center.

Sound familiar? We don’t need a military solution, we need a political one…and then there is this quote about how the security industry has been reacting to botnet risks:

“This is a little bit like airlines advertising how infrequently they crash into mountains,� said Mr. Dagon, the Georgia Tech researcher.

Eh? Is that supposed to be a good thing? Some people like security/safety record data, while some just care about legroom and/or price. For example:

Serry Winkler, a sales representative in Denver, said that she had turned off the network-security software provided by her Internet service provider because it slowed performance to a crawl on her PC, which was running Windows 98. A few months ago four sheriff’s deputies pounded on her apartment door to confiscate the PC, which they said was being used to order goods from Sears with a stolen credit card. The computer, it turned out, had been commandeered by an intruder who was using it remotely.

“I’m a middle-aged single woman living here for six years,� she said. “Do I sound like a terrorist?�

She is now planning to buy a more up-to-date PC, she said.

Clearly a price-sensitive customer, who perhaps does not appreciate being told she has to purchase a new computer to be safe from the botnets. On the other hand, do the botnets open up the possibility again of the ultimate alibi? They are often nearly impossible for the average user to detect, so will the increase in sophistication and size result in a corresponding rise in claims of plausible deniability?

Senator Brownback opposes Bush plan

A rather stunning critique of the Bush plan for troop escalations has come from the Republican Kansas Senator Sam Brownback:

“I do not believe that sending more troops to Iraq is the answer,” Brownback said while traveling in Iraq. “Iraq requires a political rather than a military solution.”

Brownback had previously supported a short-term surge of troops if it could help achieve long-term political stability, which the Bush Administration has said it hopes a troop surge will help achieve.

But Brownback rejected that argument after meeting this week with several Iraqi leaders, including Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, and U.S. military commanders.

“I came away from these meetings convinced that the United States should not increase its involvement until Sunnis and Shi’a are more willing to cooperate with each other instead of shooting at each other,” Brownback said.

“The best way to reach a democratic Iraq is to empower the Iraqis to take responsibility for their own nation building,” Brownback concluded, saying it is not in U.S. interest to get deeply involved in sectarian strife.

Not surprisingly, Brownback’s comments also reflected the reality on the ground that Iraq may be moving dangerously towards balkanization.

I think many people, especially conservatives who back the President, do not realize that the surge is in fact a “flip-flop” from the Rumsfeld doctrine, which failed miserably. If you know anything about the early successes in the war, you might know that the wisdom of the Generals who asked for troops on the ground was overruled by Rummie and thus Bush.

Moreover, Rummie disbanded and dismissed US Army leaders who wanted to use classic counterinsurgency tactics with boots on the ground, instead favoring highly mobile and mechanized “Stryker” brigades. So Brownback is really echoing an opinion that it is too late to flip-flop and now implement what was dismissed by Rummie. The military role has been altered so much by executive mismanagement that a political solution is the best counterinsurgency plan for the current situation.

Meanwhile, the House of Representatives has just seen a new bill introduced (HR 413) that tries to repeal the legislation that gave the President the authority to invade Iraq:


To repeal the Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Iraq Resolution of 2002 (Public Law 107-243) and to require the withdrawal of United States Armed Forces from Iraq .

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,


The Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Iraq Resolution of 2002 (Public Law 107-243; 50 U.S.C. 1541 note) is hereby repealed.


The President of the United States shall provide for the withdrawal of units and members of the United States Armed Forces deployed in Iraq as part of Operation Iraqi Freedom in a safe and orderly manner.

It will be interesting if this brings up the argument again that the “Mission Accomplished” speech by Bush ended the scope of his authorization and the time spent since then has been unauthorized.