Cheney’s logical fallacies to justify spying

Is turnabout fair play? I mean it seems only fair if the Vice President can put forward logical fallacies to justify his warrant-less domestic spying that the public should resort to the same, right? Consider that in January of last year Cheney argued “Either we are serious about fighting this war on terror or we are not.”

Cheney said the surveillance program had addressed a concern of the 9/11 Commission that the government had difficulty linking the activities of domestic and international terrorists.

“It’s hard to think of any category of information that could be more important to the safety of the United States than international communication, one end of which we have reason to believe is related to al Qaeda,” Cheney said.

Serious about fighting a war on terror or not? False choice, Mr. Vice President, as you can be serious about fighting terrorism without losing your respect for the Constitution, let alone abandoning the concept of freedom from unwarranted surveillance.

And that’s not to mention that technically in early 2001 the French and German intelligence communities were telling the US that they needed to act upon information tout suite, but it was Cheney and Bush who were dismissive. The failure was in the executive, and not in international communication. Instead of owning up to their catastrophic gaffe of leadership, which in hindsight fits quite naturally as the first of many failures in the Bush administration to listen and heed warnings, they instead applied a reversal of logic and began using 9/11 as a prop for their consolidation of power. I guess you could say Cheney has found no flaw in “the floggings will continue until morale improves” line of reasoning.

This January, in what looks to become an annual affair, Cheney has again taken up the battle against American freedom and democracy by re-issuing his push for a Generalissimo doctrine, according to the NYT and Chicago Tribune:

The letters permit the executive branch to seek records about people in terrorism and spy investigations without a judge’s approval or grand jury subpoena.

“The Defense Department gets involved because we’ve got hundreds of bases inside the United States that are potential terrorist targets,” Cheney said on “Fox News Sunday.”

The Tribune calls it “defends Pentagon spying” but they might as well have titled it “attacks Constitution” or “throws punch at Congress and the American people”. It appears Cheney is still so intent on consolidating power into an absolute-executive, he’s even backing a program to replace the intelligence community with another one (e.g. military liaison elements, or MLEs) run by the President.

“They’re pretty freewheeling,” the former CIA official said of the military teams. It was not uncommon, he said, for CIA station chiefs to learn of military intelligence operations only after they were under way, and that many conflicted with existing operations being carried out by the CIA or the foreign country’s intelligence service.

Such problems “really are quite costly,” said John Brennan, who was director of the National Counterterrorism Center before retiring from government last year. “It can cost peoples’ lives, can cost sensitive programs and can set back foreign-policy interests.”

So in the words and rhetorical style of the Vice President himself, either we are serious about fighting for America, or we’re for Cheney (e.g. unquestioned authority of the executive), because the Vice President has shown we just can’t be both, sorry.

Martin Luther King Day

Celebrating the man and his wisdom, through a restricted lens…

I am not unmindful that some of you have come here out of great trials and tribulations. Some of you have come fresh from narrow jail cells. And some of you have come from areas where your quest — quest for freedom left you battered by the storms of persecution and staggered by the winds of police brutality. You have been the veterans of creative suffering. Continue to work with the faith that unearned suffering is redemptive. Go back to Mississippi, go back to Alabama, go back to South Carolina, go back to Georgia, go back to Louisiana, go back to the slums and ghettos of our northern cities, knowing that somehow this situation can and will be changed.

Let us not wallow in the valley of despair, I say to you today, my friends.

And so even though we face the difficulties of today and tomorrow, I still have a dream. It is a dream deeply rooted in the American dream.

I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.”

Complete text available here, although strangely it says the copyright status of his speech is…”restricted”.

The Free at Last spiritual can be found here

The Syndicate

PBS has a brief but robust description of the history of The Syndicate in America. The story is mainly in regard to the establishment of Las Vegas casinos but it also touches on its role in influencing and working with law enforcement and intelligence agencies:

The Office of Strategic Services (later, the CIA) in fact employed the Syndicate in some covert operations. During World War II, the Syndicate helped with the invasion of Sicily and in protecting the Eastern waterfront against German sabotage. Some of the Syndicate’s major drug traffickers were used as informants and assassins in the Cold War. As one White House official described the government’s relationship with Lansky, “The government turned to him because hiring thugs was what government and business had been doing for a long time to control workers, and because it could conceive little other choice in the system at hand.”

Woman dies after winning water drinking contest

A Sacramento TV station reports that a woman has died after a radio station (KDND 107.9) held a contest to see who could drink the most water without relieving themselves. The winner was supposed to get a Nintendo Wii ($249 MSRP).

Sadly, the woman who won the contest left and then called in sick to work after telling them “her head was hurting her real bad”. Only a few hours later she was found dead from water intoxication.

The radio station apparently had provided a warning, which was described by another contestant as “if you don’t feel like you can do this, don’t put your health at risk”. The TV station report also mentions a waiver of liability. It does not sound like anyone was given any serious health consultation or recommendation about balance of electrolytes to ensure they were making an informed decision. It’s also not clear if anyone at the station themselves understood the dangers of hyper-hydration.

Sacramento County Sheriff’s Sgt. Tim Curran confirmed Strange’s death Friday, but said there were no immediate grounds to begin an investigation.

According to contest participants, 17 to 20 contestants took part in the competition in a room at KDND’s Madison Avenue studios. The contest broadcast during The End’s Morning Rave program began around 6:15 a.m. as contestants were each handed eight-ounce bottles of water to drink every 15 minutes.

Fellow contestant James Ybarra of Woodland said he met Strange at the event and had no idea of the potential danger of water poisoning.


Ybarra said before the contest, he did not read a liability waiver form handed to him by station personnel before signing it. Ybarra said he was surprised by the physical toll he felt after the contest.

“I was kind of out of it yesterday. I was just drained. I was just going to the bathroom,” Ybarra said. “I wasn’t feeling well and I actually fell asleep. I woke up with a headache (Saturday) morning and then took a couple of aspirins.”

How is someone supposed to know if they are at a proper hydration level? It seems a popular recommendation is to look at the level of color in your urine, the exact measure of health that was forbidden in the contest.

Perhaps this will be filed under psychiatric conditions that lead to death? It certainly does not fit the other “at risk” categories listed by Wikipedia (Infants, Runners, Overexertion and heat stress, Unusual water losses in disease, Iatrogenic water intoxication).

And if you think this is bad, I hear the radio station’s next hot contest will be “Self-Immolation for a Playstation”…