2007 A-Class Catamaran World Championships


The United States A-Class Catamaran Association is pleased to announce the 2007 A-Class Catamaran World Championships to be held on Islamorada Key, in the beautiful Florida Keys from November 10th through November 16th, 2007.

This prestigious event will include the most accomplished catamaran sailors in the World. Olympic Medalists, World and Continental champions will gather from every continent to compete in the newest and most exciting sailing venue in North America – The Islander Resort. The A-Class catamaran is one of the most technically advanced racing catamarans in the World. These 18 foot cats are built of state-of-the-art carbon fiber and weigh a mere 165 pounds, making sailing fast and exciting even in the lightest breeze.

Competition will be held on the Atlantic Ocean, above some of the most pristine coral reefs and beautiful water in the tropical USA. Onshore facilities at the Islander Resort include fresh and saltwater pools, beachside tiki bar, restaurant, and ocean front rooms with competitor boat storage at their doorstep.

Race officiating will be directed by members of the St. Petersburg Trophy winning Houston Yacht Club, and other well-known volunteers from yacht clubs throughout the USA.

Competitor registration and press coverage information will be found at http://usaca.info/

Terrorist fingerprints

Not the one’s you might be thinking of…the TSA has accidentally revealed that they are using a terrorist threat scale formula to permanently rate anyone who travels. They assign a value to every passenger, according to this AP article:

The travelers are not allowed to see or directly challenge these risk assessments, which the government intends to keep on file for 40 years.

The scores are assigned to people entering and leaving the United States after computers assess their travel records, including where they are from, how they paid for tickets, their motor vehicle records, past one-way travel, seating preference and what kind of meal they ordered.

Diabetic meals probably have a negative value that could cancel out motor vehicle issues. I wonder if they plan on storing this type of information in the electronic passports. If they rank all of this personal information in order to create a digest score, it basically becomes the full identity of a person, only numeric and relative (pun not intended). “Hi, my name’s Joe, but my score is 42.32672. What’s your score?”

Illegal underage dreams

I thought this comment on Bruce’s blog was actually quite good:

I am an underage illegal immigrant, but I’ve lived here in the United States for most of my life, and my parents have worked very hard to do everything right, and to this day they have not broken any laws, or been in any type of legal matter. I just think it is unfair that I’m treated the way I am. Yes this isn’t my native country, but it’s not my fault that I’m here. I was bought here as a child, and couldn’t fight my parents decision. It was come or die, and I mean to everyone, no matter were you’re from, life is something presious. I’m a great student in school, and no one can tell me apart from an illegal immigrant, or if I was born here. Why not? Because just like everyone else I want to be someone in life.

A fine contrast to the stories of twilight roundups by the “ICE” squads.

The Paris Review and DRM

There are a number of historic interviews being posted online by the Paris Review. For example, you can read a 1960 discussion with Robert Frost:

So many talk, I wonder how falsely, about what it costs them, what agony it is to write. I’ve often been quoted: “No tears in the writer, no tears in the reader. No surprise for the writer, no surprise for the reader.� But another distinction I made is: however sad, no grievance, grief without grievance. How could I, how could anyone have a good time with what cost me too much agony, how could they? What do I want to communicate but what a hell of a good time I had writing it?

There are almost as many contradictory suggestions for writers as there are interviews in the collection. You know what they say about opinions…

I also noted this awesome start and abrupt end to the Graham Greene page:

GREENE: “No, one never knows enough about characters in real life to put them into novels. One gets started and then, suddenly, one cannot remember what toothpaste they use, what are their views on interior decoration, and one is stuck utterly. No, major characters emerge: minor ones may be photographed.”

NOTE: We regret that we have been unable to obtain web rights to this interview. We have worked hard to make this archive as complete as possible, and hope you’ll forgive us the omission.

The Editors

Curious that the magazine does not have rights to its own interview.