America Admits to Cooking its Numbers on Coronavirus

A tragic day in America as the White House occupants have openly stated they’re actively manipulating coronavirus case numbers for political reasons. …[He is as or more] concerned about the political fallout of the growing number of coronavirus cases in the United States as he is about how those cases should be handled. […] {His] … Continue reading America Admits to Cooking its Numbers on Coronavirus

What if “Something You Are” Can Be Impersonated?

In multi-factor authentication systems, you typically are dealing with three data categories to establish uniqueness: something you know, something you have or something you are. While you can create knowledge, create a thing to hold in memory, it is that third category of “being” that often raises the most concern. There’s an inherent contradiction in … Continue reading What if “Something You Are” Can Be Impersonated?

1960 Police Murder of Marvin Williams. How is This Not a Movie?

Update February 2022: A brand new book about Marvin Williams been published! Check it out. I’ve searched high and low and there seems to be no mainstream re-telling of the exact Marvin Williams murder story. It reads like such an obvious script for a major movie I’m curious why nothing has been done. Perhaps the … Continue reading 1960 Police Murder of Marvin Williams. How is This Not a Movie?

Ocean Punishes Crews in Clipper Round the World Race

Last month the boat Gold Coast Australia sustained crew member injuries and was forced to land in Taiwan after helicopter airlift attempts and ship-to-ship transfer had to be aborted during rough sea state. Gold Coast Australia in Port The skipper of Singapore, Ben Bowley, wrote a graphic account of the extreme conditions sailors faced. At … Continue reading Ocean Punishes Crews in Clipper Round the World Race