“Like we’re living through a war”: U.S. Road Deaths Hit 16 Year High

Here are two fascinating quotes from an article about how journalists should be trained to report on road deaths. First the government: “It’s as if we were living through a war,” Pete Buttigieg, Biden’s transportation secretary, said of road death rates in the US. “We cannot accept that these fatalities are somehow an inevitable part … Continue reading “Like we’re living through a war”: U.S. Road Deaths Hit 16 Year High

Uber’s “Algorithm” Was Lies: Australian Regulators Issue Small Fine

Unlike Tesla, which never seems to be held accountable for its serial lying and egregiously false representations, Uber is yet again facing penalties. The second offense related to estimated taxi fares provided by the app to Sydney customers between June 2018 and August 2020, when the taxi ride option was abandoned. The algorithm used to … Continue reading Uber’s “Algorithm” Was Lies: Australian Regulators Issue Small Fine

Toyota Self-Driving Bus Suspended After Crash Into Paralympic Contestant

There are so many weird twists to this story, I don’t know where to begin but of course I had to write something. First, maybe start with the fact that the victim is a vision-impaired Paralympic judo athlete. Vision-impaired world-class self-defense expert is no match for a car also vision impaired that was given just … Continue reading Toyota Self-Driving Bus Suspended After Crash Into Paralympic Contestant

Manslaughter By Car: “At Best Negligent” in South Dakota

Here are some useful definitions for interpreting the continuously bad news about infrastructure and transit safety in South Dakota. Gross Negligence: “…reckless disregard for the safety or lives of others, which is so great it appears to be a conscious violation of other people’s rights to safety…” Negligence: “…failure to behave with the level of … Continue reading Manslaughter By Car: “At Best Negligent” in South Dakota