AU Tesla Owner Jailed After She Claimed Her Autopilot Hit Pedestrian

The defense strategy of the accused Tesla owner was to blame her Autopilot, which she believed was designed and marketed to her to use as… wait for it… an Autopilot. How dare she believe Autopilot meant Autopilot? She probably also believed she bought a car from a car company. Doesn’t she know CEO Elon Musk … Continue reading AU Tesla Owner Jailed After She Claimed Her Autopilot Hit Pedestrian

Tesla Robots Compromised: Chinese Government Strikes Deal as a Death Spiral of Safety Failures Kills Car Sales

Elon Musk, frequently referred to as the welfare king who takes billion dollar handouts on broken promises, just made an abrupt desperate plea to the Chinese government to keep Tesla out of bankruptcy. Failures in management at every level in the company are coming to roost with missed deadlines, collapsing sales, product quality decline, broken … Continue reading Tesla Robots Compromised: Chinese Government Strikes Deal as a Death Spiral of Safety Failures Kills Car Sales